Conrad First The Joseph Conrad Periodical Archive - 1935: De Semaine en Semaine: Le Magazine d'aujourd'hui (Paris, France)
- The Academy (London, UK)
- Aftonposten (Helsinki, Finland)
- The Albuquerque Morning Journal (Albuquerque, NM, USA)
- Amigoe di Curaçao (Curaçao, The Netherlands)
- Antaeus (Tangier, Morocco)
- Appleton's Booklovers Magazine (Philadelphia, PA, USA)
- The Argosy (London, UK)
- The Ashburton Guardian (Ashburton, New Zealand)
- The Atlanta Constitution (Atlanta, GA, USA)
- Atlantis (Berlin, Germany)
- Auburn Democrat Argus (Auburn, NY, USA)
- Auburn Weekly Bulletin (Auburn, NY, USA)
- Aus fremden Zungen (Stuttgart, Germany)
- The Baltimore American (Baltimore, MD, USA)
- The Baltimore Sun (Baltimore, MD, USA)
- The Baptist Missionary Magazine (Boston, MA, USA)
- Blackwood's Magazine (Edinburgh, UK)
- The Blue Peter (London, UK)
- The Bookman (New York, NY, USA)
- The Bookmark (London, UK)
- The Book Monthly (London, UK)
- The Boston Evening Transcript (Boston, MA, USA)
- The Boston Post (Boston, MA, USA)
- The Boston Sunday Globe (Boston, MA, USA)
- The Bridgeport Telegram (Bridgeport, CT, USA)
- The Brisbane Courier (Brisbane, Australia)
- The British Legion Journal (London, UK)
- The Brownsville Daily Herald (Brownsville, TX, USA)
- The Bulletin (Sydney, Australia)
- The Burlington Hawk Eye (Burlington, IA, USA)
- Les Cahiers du sud (Marseilles, France)
- The Cairns Post (Cairns, Australia)
- The Canadian Magazine (Toronto, Canada)
- The Canaseraga Times (Canaseraga, NY, USA)
- Caras y Caretas (Buenas Aires, Argentina)
- Carnegie Magazine (Pittsburgh, PA, USA)
- Cassell's Magazine (London, UK)
- The Chicago Daily Tribune (Chicago, IL, USA)
- The Chicago Examiner (Chicago, IL, USA)
- The Christian Science Monitor (Boston, MA, USA)
- Classics Illustrated (Athens, Greece)
- Classics Illustrated (Manila, Philippines)
- Classics Illustrated (New York, NY, USA)
- Collier's Weekly (New York, NY, USA)
- The Columbus Enquirer-Sun (Columbus, OH, USA)
- The Cornhill Magazine (London, UK)
- Corona (Zurich, Switzerland)
- Le Correspondant (Paris, France)
- Cosmopolis (London, UK)
- Countries of the World (London, UK)
- Country Life (New York, NY, USA)
- The Critic (New York, NY, USA)
- Current History (New York, NY, USA)
- Current Opinion (New York, NY, USA)
- The Daily Chronicle (London, UK)
- The Daily Express (London, UK)
- The Daily Mail (London, UK)
- The Daily News & Leader (London, UK)
- The Daily News (Perth, Australia)
- The Daily Phoenix (Saskatoon, Canada)
- The Dallas Morning News (Dallas, TX, USA)
- The Delineator (New York, NY, USA)
- The Denver Times (Denver, CO, USA)
- Der Kunstwart: Monatshefte für Kunst, Literatur und Leben (Dresden, Germany)
- Der Türmer: Monatsschrift für Gemüt und Geist (Berlin, Germany)
- The Des Moines Sunday Register (Des Moines, IA, USA)
- De Tijd (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
- Deutsche Rundschau (Berlin, Germany)
- The Dial (New York, NY, USA)
- Die Neue Freie Presse (Vienna, Austria)
- Die Neue Rundschau (Berlin, Germany)
- Die Neue Stafette (Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany)
- Die Romanwelt (Stuttgart, Germany)
- Le Divan (Paris, France)
- The Duluth News Tribune (Duluth, MN, USA)
- Dvöl (Reykjavik, Iceland)
- The Editor; the Journal of Information for Literary Workers (New York, NY, USA)
- Eigo Seinen (Tokyo, Japan)
- Eimreiðin (Reykjavik, Iceland)
- El Tiempo (Bogota, Colombia)
- The Empire Magazine (London, UK)
- Encore (Hoboken, NJ, USA)
- The English Review (London, UK)
- Eugene Daily Guard (Eugene, OR, USA)
- Europe (Paris, France)
- The Evening News (Glasgow, UK)
- The Evening News (London, UK)
- The Evening Post (Wellington, New Zealand)
- The Evening Telegram (New York, NY, USA)
- The Evening Tribune (Providence, RI, USA)
- Everybody's Magazine (New York, NY, USA)
- The Examiner (Launceton, Australia)
- The Famous Story Magazine (London, UK)
- The Famous Story Magazine (New York, NY, USA)
- The Fledgling (London, UK)
- The Florence Morning News Review (Florence, SC, USA)
- Fontaine (Algiers, Algeria)
- The Fortnightly Review (London, UK)
- The Forum (New York, NY, USA)
- Frankfurter Zeitung (Frankfurt, Germany)
- The Gainesville Daily Sun (Gainesville, FL, USA)
- The Galveston Daily News (Galveston, TX, USA)
- The Geneva Advertiser-Gazette (Geneva NY, USA)
- The Geneva Daily Times (Geneva, NY, USA)
- Ghost Stories (New York, NY, USA)
- The Globe (London, UK)
- The Golden Book (New York, NY, USA)
- La Grande Revue (Paris, France)
- The Grand Magazine (London, UK)
- Granton Monthly Magazine (Granton, UK)
- Green Book Quarterly (New York, NY, USA)
- The Grey River Argus (Greymouth, New Zealand)
- Hampton's Magazine (New York, NY, USA)
- Harper's Bazaar (New York, NY, USA)
- Harper's Magazine (New York, NY, USA)
- Harper's Weekly (New York, NY, USA)
- The Hartford Courant (Hartford, CT, USA)
- Hearst's (New York, NY, USA)
- Het Nieuws van de Dag (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
- L'Humanité (Paris, France)
- Hutchinson's Magazine (London, UK)
- The Illustrated Buffalo Express (Buffalo, NY, USA)
- The Illustrated London News (London, UK)
- John O' London's Weekly (London, UK)
- The Kansas City Times (Kansas City, MO, USA)
- Land & Water (London, UK)
- The Lewiston Evening Journal (Lewiston, ME, USA)
- The Lifeboat (London)
- The Literary Digest (New York, NY, USA)
- The Living Age (Boston, MA, USA)
- Ljubljanski zvon (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
- Lloyd's Magazine (London, UK)
- The London Budget (London, UK)
- The London Magazine (London, UK)
- The London Mercury (London, UK)
- The Lookout (New York, NY, USA)
- The Los Angeles Herald (Los Angeles, CA, USA)
- The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, CA, USA)
- The Lowville Herald & Lewis County Democrat (Lowville, NY, USA)
- M.A.B. (Mainly About Books) (London, UK)
- The Malayan Saturday Post (Singapore)
- Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser (Manchester, UK)
- The Manchester Guardian Literary Supplement (Manchester, UK)
- The Manchester Guardian (Manchester, UK)
- The Manchester Weekly Times and Examiner (Manchester, UK)
- The Manitoba Free Press (Winnipeg, Canada)
- McClure's Magazine (New York, NY, USA)
- Le Mercure de France (Paris, France)
- The Mercury (Hobart, Australia)
- The Metropolitan Magazine (New York, NY, USA)
- The Miami Herald (Miami, FL, USA)
- Middelburgsche Courant (Middelburg, The Netherlands)
- The Milwaukee Journal (Milwaukee, WI, USA)
- The Montgomery Advertiser (Montgomery, AL, USA)
- The Montreal Daily Mail (Montreal, Canada)
- The Morning Leader (Regina, Canada)
- The Morning Oregonian (Portland, OR, USA)
- The Morning Post (London, UK)
- Munsey's Magazine (New York, NY, USA)
- La Nación (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
- The National Geographic Magazine (New York, NY, USA)
- The Nevada State Journal (Reno, NV, USA)
- The Newark Sunday Call (Newark, NJ, USA)
- The Newcastle Weekly Courant (Newcastle, UK)
- The New Republic (New York, NY, USA)
- The New Review (London, UK)
- The New Statesman and Nation (London, UK)
- The New York American (New York, NY, USA)
- The New York Herald (New York, NY, USA)
- The New York Herald Tribune (New York, NY, USA)
- The New York Post (New York, NY, USA)
- The New York Sun (New York, NY, USA)
- The New York Times (New York, NY, USA)
- The New York Tribune (New York, NY, USA)
- Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant (Rotterdam, The Netherlands)
- The North American Review (New York, NY, USA)
- La Nouvelle Equipe Française (Paris, France)
- La Nouvelle Revue Française (Paris, France)
- La Nouvelle Revue (Paris, France)
- Les Nouvelles Illustrées (Paris, France)
- The Oakland Tribune (Oakland, CA, USA)
- The Ocean Wireless News (New York, NY, USA)
- The Ogden Standard (Ogden, UT, USA)
- The Ohinemuri Gazette (Paeroa, New Zealand)
- The Oswestrian (Oswestry, UK)
- The Otago Witness (Dunedin, New Zealand)
- The Outlook (London, UK)
- The Outlook (New York, NY, USA)
- The Oxford and Cambridge Review (London, UK)
- Pagine (Italy)
- The Pall Mall Magazine (London, UK)
- The Paterson Daily Press (Paterson, NJ, USA)
- The Pictorial Review (New York, NY, USA)
- The Pointer (Riverdale, IL, USA)
- Poland (New York, NY, USA)
- The Poverty Bay Herald (Poverty Bay, New Zealand)
- The Publishers' Circular & Booksellers' Record (London, UK)
- Putnam's Monthly & The Reader (New York, NY, USA)
- The Queanbeyan Age (Queanbeyan, Australia)
- Le Quotidien (Paris, France)
- The Reader (New York, NY, USA)
- Reclams Universum: für deutsche Kultur im In- und Auslände (Leipzig, Germany)
- Reedy's Mirror (St Louis, MO, USA)
- The Register (Adelaide, Australia)
- Reveille: Devoted to the Disabled Sailor & Soldier (London, UK)
- Revista de Occidente (Madrid, Spain)
- La Revue de France (Paris, France)
- La Revue de Genève (Geneva, Switzerland)
- La Revue de l'Amérique Latine (Paris, France)
- La Revue de Paris (Paris, France)
- La Revue des Deux Mondes (Paris, France)
- La Revue Politique et Littéraire (Paris, France)
- Ridgway's (New York, NY, USA)
- The Rocky Mountain News (Denver, CO, USA)
- Romance (New York, NY, USA)
- The Saint Mystery Magazine (New York, NY, USA)
- The Salt Lake Telegram (Salt Lake City, UT, USA)
- The San Antonio Light (San Antonio, TX, USA)
- The San Francisco Call (San Francisco, CA, USA)
- The San José Mercury News (San José, CA, USA)
- The Saturday Evening Post (New York, NY, USA)
- The Saturday Review (London, UK)
- The Saturday Review of Literature (New York, NY, USA)
- The Savoy (London, UK)
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Singapore)
- Sjómmannadagsblaðið (Reykjavik, Iceland)
- The Skipper: The Magazine for Yachtsmen (Annapolis, MD, USA)
- Slovenec (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
- The Smart Set (New York, NY, USA)
- The Southland Times (Invercargill, New Zealand)
- The Spartanburg Weekly Herald (Spartanburg, SC, USA)
- The Speaker (London, UK)
- The Sphere (London, UK)
- The Spokesman-Review (Spokane, WA, USA)
- The Standard (London, UK)
- The Star (Christchurch, New Zealand)
- The Star (London, UK)
- St John Daily Sun (New Brunswick, Canada)
- The Story-Teller (London, UK)
- The St Paul Globe (St Paul, MN, USA)
- The Strand Magazine (London, UK)
- Suriname: koloniaal nieuws- en advertentieblad (Dutch Guiana, The Netherlands)
- The Syracuse Herald (Syracuse, NY, USA)
- Le Temps (Paris, France)
- The Times Broadsheet Edition (London, UK)
- The Times (London, UK)
- The Times (Washington, DC, USA)
- The Times Weekly (London, UK)
- Tit-Bits (London, UK)
- Tout l'Univers (Paris, France)
- T.P.'s and Cassell's Weekly (London, UK)
- T.P.'s Weekly (London, UK)
- The Transatlantic Review (New York, NY, USA)
- The Tribune (London, UK)
- Tygodnik Romansów i Powieści (Warsaw, Poland)
- The Tyrone Daily Herald (Tyrone, PA, USA)
- Tęcza (Poznan, Poland)
- The Utica Journal (Utica, NY, USA)
- The Valentine Democrat (Valentine, NE, USA)
- Vita's Novellenschatz (Berlin, Germany)
- The Washington Post (Washington, DC, USA)
- Waterloo Evening Courier (Waterloo, IA, USA)
- Weltstimmen: Weltbücher in Umrissen
- Welt und Wort: Literarische Monatsschrift (Tübingen, Germany)
- The Westminster Gazette (London, UK)
- Wiadomości Literackie (Warsaw, Poland)
- Woman's Pictorial (London, UK)
- The World Review (Chicago, IL, USA)
- The World's Library of Best Books (London, UK)
- The World's Work and Play (London, UK)
- The World's Work (New York, NY, USA)
- The World Today (Chicago, IL, USA)
- Yachting (New York, NY, USA)
- The Yale Review (New Haven, CT, USA)
- Les Œuvres Libres (Paris, France)