Conrad First The Joseph Conrad Periodical Archive

The English Review (London, UK)

April 1911

Founded by Conrad's friend and collaborator Ford Madox Ford, The English Review dramatically announced its arrival in December 1908 with the publication of Thomas Hardy's poem 'A Sunday Morning Tragedy' alongside Henry James's 'A Jolly Corner', John Galsworthy's 'A Fisher of Men', and the first installments of Leo Tolstoy's 'The Raid', Conrad's Some Reminiscences (subsequently A Personal Record), and H.G. Wells's Tono-Bungay. During its first decade, The English Review published an unparalleled array of writings by both established and rising stars in the literary firmament. Ford was succeeded as editor by Austin Harrison in January 1910, Ernest Remant in June 1923, Douglas Jerrold in June 1931, Wilfrid Hindle in January 1936, and Derek Walker-Smith in July 1936. By 1930 the magazine had lost its literary status, and in 1937, now politically reactionary, merged with The National Review.

For a detailed examination of Conrad's extensive involvement with The English Review, see Jason Harding, 'The Right Accent: Conrad and the English Review', Conradiana 41/2-3 (Summer/Fall 2009): 221-243.

Page images for all numbers of The English Review between December 1908 and February 1910 are available at The Modernist Journals Project. Click here.

Tomlinson, Nora. 'The English Review: An Introduction.'
White, Bruce A. 'The English Review'. British Literary Magazines: The Modern Age, 1914-1984. Ed. Alvin Sullivan. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1986. 125-29.