Conrad First The Joseph Conrad Periodical Archive

Fontaine (Algiers, Algeria)


Fontaine: Revue mensuelle des lettres françaises et de la littérature internationale, a review of literature and poetry, was established in 1939 by Max-Pol Fouchet and published in Algiers. During the Second World War it was a focal point for French intellectuals opposed to Nazism. During the Occupation, it published the work of numerous writers engaged in the Resistance, including Georges Bernanos, Aragon, Antonin Artaud, Jean Wahl, Jean Rousselot, Pierre Emmanuel, Pierre Jean Jouve, Georges-Emmanuel Clancier, Claude Roy, Loys Masson, André Frénaud, Jules Supervielle, Max Jacob, Henri Michaux, René Char, and Jean Lescure. In 1942, Fontaine published Paul Éluard's landmark poem Liberté.