Conrad First The Joseph Conrad Periodical Archive

T.P.'s Weekly (London, UK)

29 January 1904

Launched on 14 November 1902, T.P.'s Weekly was the latest publishing venture of Radical M.P. T. P. O'Connor, founder of London's halfpenny The Star and the penny weekly M.A.P. (Mainly About People) (1898) and Weekly Sun (1891). Priced one penny, T.P.'s Weekly promised "to bring to many thousands a love of letters", securing to this end contributions from a distinguished array of writers: George Bernard Shaw, Arnold Bennett, H. G. Wells, and G. K. Chesterton. In practice, O'Connor delegated most of the running of the magazine to Wilfred Whitten (whose byline "John O'London" supplied the title of another contemporary literary magazine, John O'London's Weekly). Whitten was succeeded in 1914 by Holbrook Jackson, under whose editorship the journal changed name in 1916 to To-Day. Shortly after the journal folded in January 1917, it was succeeded by another, unrelated magazine bearing the same name, which continued until 1924.

For a detailed study of Conrad's involvement with T.P.'s Weekly, see Cedric Watts, "Nostromo in T.P.'s Weekly," Yearbook of Conrad Studies (Poland) 3/3 (2007): 97-113.

Watkins, Charlotte C. "To-Day". British Literary Magazines: The Modern Age, 1914-1984. Ed. Alvin Sullivan. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1986. 419-22.