Conrad First The Joseph Conrad Periodical Archive

Putnam's Monthly & The Reader (New York, NY, USA)

June 1868

A successor to The Critic, this incarnation of Putnam's Magazine, the third since 1853, was launched as a general interest monthly by the publishing house of G. P. Putnam's Sons in October 1906. Although its editorial team of Jeanette Leonard Gilder and her brother Joseph Benson Gilder attracted major writers such as Henry James and Maurice Maeterlinck, a circulation of 120,000 proved insufficient to make a success of the magazine, which, having absorbed The Reader in 1908, itself merged with The Atlantic Monthly in April 1910.

To Conrad's disapproval, Putnam's had published his "Typhoon" as a separate volume in 1902, and he was no less unhappy at the appearance of part of The Mirror of The Sea in Putnam's Monthly, telling his agent on 13 October 1908: "Putnam's have pub[lishe]d a big mangled slab of Mirror of the Sea in their Oct[ob]er No under the title Rulers of East & West. They sent me a copy of their Mag[azin]e. Is it done with Your knowledge and consent?" (CL 4:145).