Book/collected volume Unknown & Miscellaneous (2013)
- Five Prefaces
- On the "Titanic"
- Preface to "Nostromo" in Reedy's Mirror (St Louis, MO, USA) (Dec 25, 1917)
- Rudyard Kipling: A Criticism on His Poems in The Outlook (London, UK) (Apr 1898)
- Three Conrad Novels in The Dial (New York, NY, USA) (Dec 1920)
- Unpublished draft of "The Black Mate" in Tit-Bits (London, UK) (May 1, 1886 — Aug 28, 1886)
- Why I Wrote "The Arrow of Gold" in The New York Herald Tribune (New York, NY, USA) (May 4, 1924)
This is an artificial category used to designate items that cannot be fitted into the rest of the Conrad First database.