Serialization Un Avant-poste de la civilisation
in Les Nouvelles Illustrées (Paris, France) (Jan 22, 1903 — Jan 29, 1903):
- First serialized as An Outpost of Progress in Cosmopolis (London, UK) (Jun 1897 — Jul 1897)
- Collected as An Outpost of Progress in Tales of Unrest (1898)
- Subsequently serialized as En civilisationens utpost in Aftonposten (Helsinki, Finland) (Jan 10, 1899 — Jan 28, 1899)
- Subsequently serialized as Ein Vorposten der Kultur in Vita's Novellenschatz (Berlin, Germany) (Jan 1901)
- Subsequently serialized as An Outpost of Progress in The Grand Magazine (London, UK) (Mar 1906)
- Subsequently serialized as Una avanzada del progreso in Revista de Occidente (Madrid, Spain) (Oct 1924)
- Subsequently serialized as An Outpost of Progress in The World's Library of Best Books (London, UK) (Nov 15, 1924)
- Subsequently serialized as Un Avant-Poste du Progres in La Revue Politique et Littéraire (Paris, France) (Sep 21, 1935)
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Translated by Marguerite Poradowska. This was the first translation of Conrad's work into French. A full transcription is available online from the Joseph Conrad Society UK's website. Click
For a detailed discussion of this serialization, first located in 2008, see Anne Arnold, "Marguerite Poradowska as a Translator of Conrad",
The Conradian 33/1 (Spring 2008): 119-29.