Extract (Lord Jim: A Tale) Gúanóeyjan
in Sjómmannadagsblaðið (Reykjavik, Iceland) (Jun 1995): (Page imagery not yet available)
- First serialized as Lord Jim; A Sketch in Blackwood's Magazine (Edinburgh, UK) (Oct 1899 — Nov 1900)
- Subsequently extracted as A Bit of Light Literature of Sea Life in The Newcastle Weekly Courant (Newcastle, UK) (Oct 28, 1899)
- Collected as Lord Jim: A Tale in Lord Jim (1900)
- Subsequently extracted as Big Brierly in The Living Age (Boston, MA, USA) (May 4, 1901)
- Subsequently serialized as Lord Jim in The Evening Telegram (New York, NY, USA) (May 4, 1903 — Jun 20, 1903)
- Subsequently serialized as My "Lord Jim" in The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, CA, USA) (Jan 27, 1918)
- Subsequently extracted as Historia Milosna: Fragment z Lorda Jim in Wiadomości Literackie (Warsaw, Poland) (Sep 1932)
- Subsequently extracted as The Proud Death of Lord Jim in The Golden Book (New York, NY, USA) (Sep 1933)
- Subsequently serialized as Lord Jim in Classics Illustrated (Manila, Philippines) (Sep 1, 1966)
- Subsequently serialized as Lord Jim in Classics Illustrated (New York, NY, USA) (Sep 1966)
- Subsequently serialized as o Logdos Tjim in Classics Illustrated (Athens, Greece) (Sep 1, 1966)
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Extract of chapter 14 of
Lord Jim. Information kindly provided by Julian M. D'Arcy.
Available from the Digital Library of the Faroe Islands, Greenland and Iceland:
1 June 1995, pp.96-99