Extract (Some Reflections on the Loss of the Titanic) Danger of Big Ships: Mr Joseph Conrad on the Lesson of the Titanic
in The Daily Express (London, UK) (May 2, 1912): (Page imagery not yet available)
- First serialized as Some Reflexions, Seamanlike and Otherwise, on the Loss of the Titanic in The English Review (London, UK) (May 1912)
- Subsequently extracted as Manageableness at Sea in The Chicago Examiner (Chicago, IL, USA) (Jun 7, 1912)
- Subsequently extracted in The Poverty Bay Herald (Poverty Bay, New Zealand) (Jun 15, 1912)
- Subsequently extracted as The Lost Titanic in The Cairns Post (Cairns, Australia) (Jun 18, 1912)
- Collected as Some Reflections on the Loss of the Titanic in Notes on Life and Letters (1921)
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p.7. Summary, with quotations, of Conrad's article in the English Review. Available for a fee (or free access from inside British Library) from www.ukpressonline.co.uk.