Conrad First
The Joseph Conrad Periodical Archive
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L'Âme d'un Guerrier
La Revue de Paris (Paris, France)
Vol. 29, No. 6 (Nov 1, 1922):
(Page imagery not yet available)
First serialized
as The Warrior's Soul in
Land & Water (London, UK)
(Mar 29, 1917)
Subsequently serialized
as The Warrior's Soul in
The Metropolitan Magazine (New York, NY, USA)
(Dec 1917)
Collected as The Warrior's Soul in
Tales of Hearsay
Subsequently serialized
as The Warrior's Soul in
The Argosy (London, UK)
(Mar 1932)
Subsequently serialized
as The Warrior's Soul: A Debt to Love is Repaid on the Battlefield in
The Golden Book (New York, NY, USA)
(Dec 1933)
Subsequently serialized
as L'animo del guerriero in
Pagine (Italy)
(Dec 1945)
View in Internet Archive BookReader (experimental).
pp. 82-104. Trans. G. J. Aubry.