Serialization What Conrad Has To Say About "Lord Jim"
in The New York Tribune (New York, NY, USA) (Jan 20, 1918): (Page imagery not yet available)
- Collected as Preface to "Lord Jim" in Lord Jim (1900)
- First serialized as My "Lord Jim" in The Bookman (New York, NY, USA) (Jan 1918)
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Review Section, p.4. Introductory text reads:
What Conrad Has to Say About 'Lord Jim'. A new preface, in which the author tells how the tale grew, and also defends it against the charge of morbidity. JOSEPH CONRAD comes to the rescue of the book reviewers, setting forth plainly and briefly just what were his intentions in the production of the famous romance 'Lord Jim,' one of the best known of his works. There has been a good deal of debate over the question of the initial idea of the book. Was it to have been merely a short story? And did it carry the writer away and away, into far fields of imaginative roaming, thus, by sheer virtue of its own momentum, becoming a full length novel? Well, Mr, Conrad places himself on record, in the preface of a new edition of 'Lord Jim,' published by Doubleday, Page & Co. The preface enjoys a first printing in the current issue of 'The Bookman,' and has been widely discussed by reviewers."
Full text available from the Library of Congress newspaper archive Chronicling America. Click